GRAMMARS — ARCHI­VING, Manie­re Noir, Berlin

Grammars, 2010–2015, Frot­ta­gen Blei­stift auf Papier, 21 x 29,7 cm

” (…) Loo­king at the arte­facts we can still hear in our ima­gi­na­ti­on mecha­ni­cal and rub­bing sounds as an accom­pany­ing act during the recor­dings done on / to the paper. An “Act sans paro­les” says Gior­get­ti after Beckett. Paper rolls expand and deve­lop from top of the walls (Gior­get­ti, Montiel-Soto) and crea­te accu­mu­la­ti­ons of scripts. The gal­lery space turns out to be a place of acti­ve rea­ding and see­ing.
Albert Coers pres­ents his “Grammars” pie­ce (2010–15). Rub­bing, a simp­le tech­ni­que of prin­ting, was often used in archaeo­lo­gy for get­ting the text(ure) of sur­faces with a reli­ef, for ins­tance let­ters on tomb­sto­nes. Here it is appli­ed to covers of books with embos­sed titles, a series of grammar of lan­guages that the rea­der is unli­kely to have heard of, that seem unknown or even extinct, pro­ba­b­ly of regi­ons in Afri­ca or Asia. By doing so, the aspect of pre­ser­ving and archi­ving of the lan­guages and the books coin­ci­des, whe­re­as, the names of the lan­guages deve­lop a poet­ry of its own. The rub­bings ori­gi­na­te from grammars found in the libra­ry of the Zen­trum für Lite­ra­tur- und Kul­tur­for­schung, ZfL, Ber­lin.” (Maj­la Zeneli)

ARCHI­VING, APPRO­PRIA­TING LAN­GUAGE Series #6, 12. 6. — 1.7. 2015
Albert Coers, Chia­ra Gior­get­ti, Mar­co Montiel-Soto, Lena Oehm­sen
cura­ted by Maj­la Zeneli

Maniè­re Noir
Wal­den­ser­str. 7a
10551 Ber­lin

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