
Recent­ly, I redis­co­ver­ed a 30-year-old litt­le note­book from Eng­lish les­sons. Some of the words are sur­pri­sin­gly rele­vant in 2020, on Elec­tion Day, when Ame­ri­cans go to the polls: on the first page the word “pre­si­dent”, on the last page “civil rights”, and “tri­al”.

It’s asto­nis­hing what Eng­lish words I did­n’t know at that time, so that I had to wri­te down their Ger­man equi­va­lent, for exam­p­le “oce­an” and “fol­low”.

I’ll make an artist­book from it, one more on the list of Books To Do.

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