MISS READ: Ber­lin Art Book Fes­ti­val 2022

29.4. – 1.5. 2022
Haus der Kul­tu­ren der Welt

MISS READ: The Ber­lin Art Book Fair 2022 will take place on April 29th to May 1st at Haus der Kul­tu­ren der Welt and will bring tog­e­ther a wide sel­ec­tion of 300+ publishers, art peri­odi­cals and artists/authors.
Albert Coers will par­ti­ci­pa­te with recent­ly pro­du­ced books. 

In con­junc­tion, the Con­cep­tu­al Poe­tics Day will explo­re the ima­gi­na­ry bor­der bet­ween visu­al art and literature.

Ope­ning Hours
Fri­day 5–9pm // Ope­ning Par­ty 9pm till late.
Satur­day 12–7pm
Sun­day 12–7pm

John-Fos­ter-Dul­les-Allee 10
10557 Ber­lin

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