8.6.2024, 18:00

Miss Read Space
Gericht­stra­ße 45
13347 Ber­lin

Books to Do

Book Pre­sen­ta­ti­on by Albert Coers, in con­ver­sa­ti­on with Annet­te Gil­bert and Andre­as Koch

Books to Do (Hat­je Cantz, 2022) is not the usu­al mono­graph, it’s a meta-book about alre­a­dy rea­li­zed and yet to be rea­li­zed book pro­jects in the form of a to-do list. It is a coll­ec­tion of ide­as and sub­jects, a self-docu­men­ta­ti­on, self-sti­mu­la­ti­on, and a joyful­ly uto­pian agen­da at the same time.

In the talk, we explo­re the pos­si­bi­li­ties of making books, also fic­tion­al ones, as works, as well as prac­ti­cal aspects of the pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses, digi­tal and ana­lo­gue, the per­for­ma­ti­ve poten­ti­al of books.

Books to Do con­ta­ins, apart from 96 book pro­jects, a con­ver­sa­ti­on bet­ween Annet­te Gil­bert and Albert Coers and an essay by Mar­kus Kra­jew­ski. It was desi­gned by Andre­as Koch in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the artist.

Albert Coers (*1975) is an artist, occa­sio­nal­ly cura­tor, edi­tor, and aut­hor. His work focu­ses on instal­la­ti­ons with found objects and lan­guage-rela­ted mate­ri­al, and artist’s books, e.g. Eng­lisch-Wör­ter. 1990/2020 (Salon, 2020), Schöp­pin­g­er Schlä­ger (Salon, 2021), Sacred Distancing (Arg­o­books, 2021, nom. for Prix Bob Cal­le 2023).

Annet­te Gil­bert is a lite­ra­ry scho­lar, inte­res­ted in expe­ri­men­tal forms of wri­ting, artist books, in phe­no­me­na in the bor­ders of lite­ra­tu­re and visu­al art, in prac­ti­ses of self-publi­shing. With Andre­as Bül­hoff she cura­ted the Libra­ry of Artis­tic Print on Demand.

Andre­as Koch is an artist, desi­gner, aut­hor, and publisher. He stu­di­ed with Chris­tia­ne Möbus at HdK Ber­lin; sin­ce 2006 he is editing the art maga­zi­ne von hun­dert and foun­ded in 2022 per­ma­nent Ver­lag @permanentverlag . He has desi­gned over 100 artist’s publications.

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