Fan­zin­eist Vien­na Art Book & Zine Fair, Online-Edi­ti­on, 2021

26.07. — 26. 08. 2021

Fan­zin­eist  Vien­na will take place in 2021 as online to attract the atten­ti­on of a broa­der audi­ence in a glo­bal sca­le. It will pro­ceed for a month and more than +110 exhi­bi­tors from 34 count­ries will dis­play their published mate­ri­al in the vir­tu­al exhibition.

In the Video “Books Unbo­xed” Albert Coers talks about his artist books and shows examp­les from 2008 ‑2021, on occa­si­on of Fan­zin­eist Vien­na Art Book & Zine Fair Online Edition.

Pre­mier scree­ning will be on 2nd August on Fan­zin­eist Vienna’s Insta­gram Account (live) at 20:30 (Aus­tria Time)

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on @ Fan­zin­eist Vien­na Insta­gram Account  (Live) & Fan­zin­eist Vien­na You­tube Chan­nel  

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