21.5 – 29.5. 2022
Site-spe­ci­fic exhi­bi­ti­on in the front gar­dens of Tuin­zigt, Breda/NL

Ada van Hoor­ebe­ke, Albert Coers, Aman­da Ele­na Con­rad, Bart Lode­wi­jks, Cars­ten Lis­e­cki, Fen­na Koot, Ignace Cami, INBLIK Radio, Iris Bouw­mees­ter
cura­ted by Bea­trijs Dik­kerBas Ket­el­a­ars

A new edi­ti­on of Wo Mei­ne Son­ne Scheint is coming up and will take place in Breda’s Tuin­zigt neigh­bor­hood. On the bor­der­line bet­ween pri­va­te and public, the front yard is cen­tral to this exhi­bi­ti­on. Ten artists from the Net­her­lands, Bel­gi­um and Ger­ma­ny work on loca­ti­on with local resi­dents in the front yard. The resul­ting works can then be view­ed by the public for a week.

Ope­ning: Satur­day May 21, 15:00 – 20:00
15:00 zig­zag through Tuin­zigt, mee­ting point buur­t­huis De Nieu­we Mei­doorn
16:30 ope­ning at het Annahuis
18:00 drinks at Café Tuin­zigt

Finis­sa­ge: Sun­day May 29, 13:00 — 16:00
13:00 Wan­del­sa­lon through Tuin­zigt, mee­ting point De Nieu­we Mei­doorn, via het Annahuis
14:30 con­clu­ding talk on show­ing art out­side insti­tu­tio­nal con­texts at Stede­li­jk Muse­um Breda

Wo Mei­ne Son­ne Scheint in Tuin­zigt is made pos­si­ble with the gene­rous sup­port of Annahuis­B­re­da, Geme­en­te BredaBu­urt­cul­tu­ur­fonds Noord-Bra­bant (Prins Bern­hard Cul­tu­ur­fonds) and Buurt­fonds (Post­codelo­te­rij).


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