12 + 12 = 24 — Being with Others — Zusam­men­sein, ein​Buch​.haus, Berlin

12. — 21.12. 2024
ein​Buch​.haus, Berlin

Kas­per Andrea­sen, A‑FL (Andre­as Fri­berg Lund­gren), Nick Ceglia, Albert Coers, Clau­de Clos­ky, Micha­el Cro­we, Chris­ti­ne Demi­as, Clau­dia de la Tor­re, Brad Dow­ney, Jo Fren­ken, Ingo Ger­ken, Glo­ria Glit­zer, Mat­ti­as Gun­n­ars­son, Eun­y­oung Hwang, Marei­ke Jaco­bi, Hen­ri Jacobs, Ste­fa­nie Lein­hos, Micah Lexier, Sara MacKil­lop, Jona­than Monk, Son Ni, Richard Prin­ce, José Quin­ta­nar, Elsa Werth

Ver­nis­sa­ge: Thurs. Dec 12, 17 hr
Tue. — Fri. 11 — 18 hr / Sat. 11- 15 hr
ein​Buch​.haus / Flo­rastr. 61, 13187 Berlin

Every two years, ein​Buch​.haus col­la­bo­ra­tes with Clau­dia de la Tor­re to invi­te 12 con­tem­po­ra­ry artists who use books as an artis­tic medi­um to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the Calen­dar pro­ject. In 2022, we laun­ched our first edi­ti­on, Calen­dar 2023, along­side the exhi­bi­ti­on Being with Others – Zusam­men­sein. The exhi­bi­ti­on show­ca­sed 12 artists’ books from the con­tri­bu­tors, offe­ringg a phy­si­cal space for peo­p­le to meet and connect.

This year, we aim to pre­sent the exhi­bi­ti­on with a slight­ly dif­fe­rent approach. Coin­ci­ding with Decem­ber 12, 2024 (12+12=24), we asked the 12 artists fea­tured in Calen­dar 2025 to each recom­mend one artist and their sel­ec­ted pro­ject, brin­ging tog­e­ther a total of 24 books. We want this approach to crea­te oppor­tu­ni­ties for con­nec­tions bet­ween books and readers.


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